Museum of the Moving Image advances the understanding, enjoyment, and appreciation of the art, history, technique, and technology of film, television, and digital media by presenting exhibitions, education programs, significant moving-image works, and interpretive programs, and collecting and preserving moving-image related artifacts.
The way-finding within the museum tends to be confusing and difficult for museum goers to navigate. Lack of interactions and engagement with certain areas of the museum make the experience less interesting.
The goal is to create an interactive app catered towards first-time visitors as well as frequent guests that will provide simpler way-finding around the exhibits, a more accessible experience for those who are disabled, and introduce new and engaging AR features that will allow users to interact with the exhibits.
The interactive map allows users to view floor maps of each level within the MoMI. Tapping on a section of the floor reveals video previews of each piece in an exhibit. Specially marked icons indicate stairs , elevators, restrooms, and closed exhibit locations.
With the Self-Guided Tour, users will be able to tour the museum with the aid of a real time tracking map of the exhibit. For accessibility, users can listen to audio tracks if they are hearing impaired or read off closed captions with adjustable text size.
Using the camera, users can scan any exhibit piece and get information about it in an instant. If any film camera is scanned, the lens of the camera can be applied to any photos in the form of filters. Users can take pictures and videos using these filters.
To bring the arcade experience to life, users can choose from a wide selection of arcade games and play using Augmented Reality. Using the camera, arcade games can be played with the use of controls depending on each game.